Our Stories
Judith’s Colleagues Gave Her Hope During Her High-Risk Pregnancy

Judith McDonald, a labor and delivery nurse in Houston, Texas, knew her pregnancy would be high risk when she learned last April she was carrying twins. Still, she expected to work up until her 30th week. But she started to experience complications that put her and her babies at risk, so her doctor placed Judith on medical leave.
Suddenly, Judith and her husband, Joseph, had to live on his sole income. “I was not sure how we were going to afford our bills and our medical expenses and getting ready for the babies,” she said. “We would have a total of six months of me not having an income.” Fortunately, Judith had read the stories of colleagues helping each other through the Hope Fund, and she decided to apply for help.
She was on bedrest when she learned she had been approved. The overwhelming relief brought tears and an end to the stress. Judith’s pregnancy continued safely, and at 36 weeks her healthy babies Ernest and Lucia were born, both named after grandparents.
“We are all doing great,” said Judith, back to work after maternity leave. “The Hope Fund helped me through my pregnancy and has given me the strength to work through everything. HCA Healthcare will always be part of our lives because of the helping hand we got,” she said, “and we’re very appreciative.” As a Hope Fund donor as well, she encourages colleagues to give if they can. “Even if you donate $1 per paycheck, it can make a great difference,” she said. “From those dollars, a lot of money can be accumulated.” Most importantly, Judith wants all her colleagues to know that the Hope Fund is here for them.
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