Our Stories

RN Pierrela received help after a sudden illness

Pierrela Lebrun has worked for HCA Healthcare as a nurse in the state of Florida since 2018. She first heard about the Hope Fund during her new hire orientation and she started donating, but she never thought it was something she might need to apply for.

One day during work, she began to experience a lot of pain. She went to her doctor only to find out that she needed surgery as soon as possible and her recovery time would keep her out of work for 4 weeks. It was sudden and unexpected. She had some PTO saved up, but not enough for her full recovery time. Still, she thought she could make do – until complications surfaced and led to even more time out of work.

When she called to extend her leave, the HR representative she spoke to asked Pierrela an important question: Are you ok? Pierrela thought about her situation. “I felt so vulnerable,” she said. “There were millions of thoughts going through my head. I considered if I could even afford to stay out of work as long as my doctor recommended.” The HR representative directed Pierrela to look into the assistance available through the Hope Fund.

“Because of the Hope Fund, I didn’t have to worry. It allowed me to fully recover and not have to consider going back to work before I was completely healed. For that, I am so very grateful.” When she learned she had been approved for assistance, she said it felt like a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders.

“This Hope Fund was a lifesaver for me. I received it just when I really needed it and I am so grateful, so I encourage people to get involved and give what you can and reach out for help if you need it.” Pierrela wants her colleagues to know though she had been giving to the Hope Fund for years before she needed it herself, she now knows firsthand what a huge difference it can make in people’s lives.

She said, “It was a miracle. I could not have done it without the Hope Fund. Thank you to all the givers.”

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