Our Stories
A Bright Spot of Hope During a Difficult Time

Julie Overton, an RN from Kansas, was fighting to keep things together for herself and her family while life seemed to be throwing her one curve ball after another.
Since late 2016 Julie had been having severe migraine headaches, and over the next few months her symptoms got progressively worse to include confusion, difficulty with speech, memory loss, falls, and anxiety. She tried everything that was suggested, but nothing really helped. Then in June, her husband was involved in a serious motorcycle accident, resulting in a lengthy hospital stay followed by rehab. In the midst of all of this she was referred to the Mayo Clinic for additional tests, and received a diagnosis of fibromyalgia.
Julie was coping with a huge influx of medical bills, and was unable to return to her position at Menorah Medical Center while her worst symptoms, such as dizziness and falling, were present. With five children, the youngest still at home, it was a lot to handle. The compassionate assistance Julie received from colleagues across HCA provided the life-saving help she needed as she faced multiple hardships.
“I’m going through several treatments for the migraines, and I hope they help. My husband is still not completely healed from his head injury. I had hoped 2018 would be a little easier than 2017, but so far that’s not the case.” The Hope Fund was able to provide a bright spot in the difficult times.
“We’ve really had a tough year, and for something like the Hope Fund to exist, to be there for me and my family, we are very appreciative. It literally saved my life and helped us to keep on going.”
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