Our stories

At HCA Healthcare, we take care of our own. Even in tough economic times, we support our HCA Healthcare family members through the HCA Healthcare Hope Fund. To date, we’ve helped over 55,000 HCA Healthcare families in need. And the need is as great as ever. Take a minute to explore some of our latest videos and stories.

Featured story

Judith’s Colleagues Gave Her Hope During Her High-Risk Pregnancy

Judith McDonald, a labor and delivery nurse in Houston, Texas, knew her pregnancy would be high risk when she learned last April she was carrying twins. Still, she expected to work up until her 30th week. But she started to…

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Our blog stories

Every single dollar you give to the HCA Healthcare Hope Fund is going to another HCA Healthcare colleague in a time of need. It might be going to someone you know well or someone you’ve never met. These are some of those stories.

Waking up in the hospital after a major seizure, Julien needed help

Julien Bruce is a Simulation Specialist in Houston who helps teach new residents and nurses. He lives…

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When he faced unexpected neck surgery, Justin was thankful for help from our colleagues

Justin has worked for HCA Healthcare as a Respiratory Therapist at Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center for…

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Teddilynn’s spouse was suddenly in a coma, and our colleagues helped.

Teddilynn Greene is a Senior Accountant who has worked for TriStar Health in Tennessee for over 15…

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Our colleagues helped Angie during her fight with cancer

Angie Hernandez has worked for HCA Healthcare in Houston for many years, starting as a housekeeper and…

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30 years old and multiple strokes. When Vicki needed help, our colleagues were there!

At just 30 years old, Vicki, an RN Quality Coordinator, experienced some concerning neurological symptoms and decided…

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Escaping domestic violence then facing homelessness, Hope Fund donors helped Melissa and her children have a place to call home

Melissa is a Medical Office Coordinator who originally learned about the Hope Fund through the stories she…

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